Is the ACID number included in the health certificate, certificate of origin, and Euro 1 certificate, knowing that these certificates are governmental and have a fixed form? What should be done if the ACID number is registered on some, but not all, documents?

created_atCreated at 16-06-2021 02:54 pm
last_updated_atLast updated at 13-11-2021 02:36 pm
hits 5198
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By virtue of Customs Law no. 207 of 2020 and its Executive Regulation no. 430 of 2021 on proving the identification numbers of the Egyptian importer and foreign exporter and the identification number of the ACID shipment, please note the following:

  • The identification numbers of both the Egyptian importer (the tax number) and the foreign exporter (the tax number or the commercial registration number) must be shown on both the commercial invoice and the bill of lading.
  • The ACID number is stipulate on all shipment documents (the commercial invoice, the packing list, the bill of lading, the certificate of origin "if any," health/veterinary/examination/other certificates issued from abroad). In the event that the issuer of this document is unable to prove the ACID number with his own knowledge, the foreign exporter, with his own knowledge, prints or writes the number on a sticker and places it on the document. 


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