Have been found (55) Result of the search for ACI
Foreign FF need to create an account on CargoX Platform and complete the company verification process، FF Agent or Representative Office in Egypt files the MBL ACID number in the Nafeza system, for which he needs verified code of the Foreign....
Read moreAccording to the provision of Paragraph (e) of Article 198 of the Executive Regulation of the Customs Law, the importer, the owner of the goods, or his agent from customs brokers, may file a grievance within three working days from the issuance of the Authority’s decision to reject the shipment....
Read moreIn this case, the Customs shall reject the application for ACID. Accordingly, the importer shall make a new application.....
Read moreAs per Customs Decree No. 11 of 2021, if the data of the foreign exporter and the Egyptian importer differ on the consolidated bills of lading, separate ACIDs must be issued for each sub-bill. The foreign exporter is the one ....
Read moreIt is sufficient to include the initial data of the shipment, the data of the importer and exporter, and the customs item, and upload the documents and data through the foreign ....
Read moreIn accordance with the the Minister of Finance's Resolutions No. 38 and No. 222 of 2021, the customs broker can apply for the ACID number....
Read moreAccording to the Minister of Finance's Decree No. 38 and 222 of 2021, foreign exporters shall send and upload the data and ...
Read moreAs stipulated in the Executive Regulation of the Customs Law issued by Ministerial Decision no. 430 of 2021, Article 198, Paragraph (j), the foreign exporter or producer must send the shipment data and documents electronically. Accordingly,.....
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